The Rays of Light Newsletter: weekly nudges towards self-love & vital health. For FREE.

Sign up to the Rays of Light newsletter now to start receiving bite-size tips and ideas that will guide you towards vital health recovery & self-love. In each weekly email you will get a practical technique, a positive affirmation, an inspiring quote, a powerful journalling prompt and a short, tender thought from me.


5 core elements for better health

The Rays of Light are a simple weekly newsletter. All you need to do is sign up and every week a fresh batch of Rays will land in your inbox and introduce you to five simple, actionable ideas. The Rays are made up of five core elements:
Positively Practical - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network
Positively Practical

Practical bitesize health, nutrition & sports advice based on research & science

Affirmations for Alignment - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network
Affirmations for Alignment

Rewire your self-image and daily vibrations through positive affirmations

Words of Wisdom - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network
Words of Wisdom

Carefully selected quotes that inspire positive change

Intentional Introspection - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network
Intentional Introspection

Journalling prompts that allow you to dig deeper and discover yourself without judgment

Tender Thoughts and Techniques - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network
Tender Thoughts & Techniques

Feel-good thoughts that light you up and support you in positive and helpful thinking

The Rays of Light newsletter is for you if you want to:

  • Self-heal and take sustainable steps towards an incredible mental and physical health recovery
  • Establish healthy habits & patterns that help your body, mind and soul
  • Explore proven methods and techniques to see which work best for you
  • Commit to yourself and your health just once a week, for a few moments at a time
  • Learn about nutrition, healthy habits, how our bodies and minds work and heal, and other carefully selected topics that I've found helpful
A great daily reminder to focus on yourself straight to your inbox! I really do appreciate getting the emails, feel like life is so fast paced that it's good to be reminded x
I do really love your posts, there very positive and inspiring and I love using them to do my daily journalling as prompts/to start me off xx
Your posts are so meaningful and inspiring. Definitely Rays of light. So great what your sharing.
The Rays of Light posts are positive and uplifting! They bring a smile to my face and get me thinking about how I can be more mindful throughout the day! 🥰
I want to improve my health!

In the Rays of Light newsletter you'll find...

It can be daunting to sign up for something when you're not sure what it is. To give you a better idea:

  • Healthy food and eating habits: I promote a balanced, nutritious diet, which is central to my practice as a health & nutrition coach. This includes different sources of protein, including (but not limited to) animal products, such as eggs, some forms of dairy, fish and meat. However, I care deeply about animal suffering and sustainability, and I strive for a healthy balance in all areas of life. It is up to you what you adopt and you will never be judged for your choices.
  • Proven methods: I don't shy away from more woo-woo practices if there is scientific or experiential evidence to support their use, e.g. kundalini yoga or EFT (tapping). The most important factors are: Is it beneficial? Is it accessible? Can it be done easily?
  • Practical solutions: The Rays of Light are designed to be bite-size so that you can use them easily, one step at a time and without overwhelm.

  • A community: Life is complex and I understand that some things are out of our control. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason and we are here to learn. If you need support and want to connect with others on this path, as a subscriber you are also invited to join our private Community group on Facebook.
  • Respect for your time and inbox space: The Rays of Light used to be sent every weekday but I recognise that this may have been too often, so from January 2022 they are sent as a single weekly email. I respect your time and your inbox space, and I will never spam you. You may occasionally get an additional email from me to let you know about special events and workshops that I'm running and that I feel may be relevant to you. You can unsubscribe any time.
Nutrition advice - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network

I care

In everything I do, I endeavour to add a sprinkling of my top values:
Our values: simplicity | The Upbeat Network
I like to keep things simple. That way they’re far more digestible and sustainable.
Our values: beauty and aesthetics | The Upbeat Network
I love aesthetics, beauty and creativity, inside ourselves and out. They make the world a better place.
Our values: fun | The Upbeat Network
Why not enjoy ourselves along the way? I like to add a bit of fun into the mix, too.
Our values: sustainability | The Upbeat Network
To me, sustainability means we look after our internal and external environment. I want to keep up with my own progress; I want the Earth to keep up too.

Psst! Did you know that the carbon emissions created by this website have been offset by 300%?

Anna's Rays of light have been little nuggets of food for thought for me. Some have really rung true with me whilst others have pushed me to question why I find it so difficult to praise, promote and love myself. I like that each post is short and to the point. I also like that I have been able to use them as conversation starters with friends. I hope that today's Ray about repetition will inspire me to actually 'do' THAT! Repeat and embed positive thoughts about myself and what I want to do or achieve in life 🤔🤷‍♀️🤞
Is so easy to bogged down and overwhelmed these days but the reality is that so many of my stresses and strains are just insignificant when I really think about them and a little daily reminder of what’s truly important helps me focus and push out the negativity. Thank you Anna x
I have been receiving Anna’s Ray of Lights now for several months. Each morning they pop into my inbox and give me something to think about and consider on a daily basis. I was lucky enough to recently win a competition Anna ran and won a lovely pen, a journaling book with ten top tips on journaling. I cannot recommend Ray of Light enough if you’d like a daily thought provoking prompt.
The Rays of Light posts are inspiring and motivating, they encourage mindful thinking and reflection through the use of small but meaningful reflective questions. They encourage self-love and promote a supportive, calming and reassuring energy that helps ease stress or worry.
The Caring Introvert

Towards vital health - with a difference

We have not yet seen a truly holistic, science- and experience-based newsletter like our Rays of Light. And especially not one that is and always will be FREE.
Holistic healing - Rays of Light | The Upbeat Network

Holistic & universal

The Rays of Light promote healthy habits, nutrient-dense food and self-discovery regardless of your background. What we do can be woven in with almost any religion, belief system or dietary choice.

A Community

There’s nothing quite like the support of like-minded people who go through similar things as you. Our Community group on Facebook is fully optional but is always there for you.
Rays of Light are flexible: you can choose how often you receive them | The Upbeat Network


Now the Rays of Light is sent only once a week, so all of a given week's Rays are in one place. No email overwhelm!
I really love your inspirational posts. They really resonate with me
Love the posts! They are like sun on cloudy days. On sunny days, they just give you more sun!
Thank you so much for spreading positivity around, we need more of this every day. I love waking up and seeing positive posts on my feed, it's a great way to start the day. Thank you xx 🙏
I do like the nice short message of the day way you are doing it. Something that can be read quickly and thought about at leisure or in a quiet moment.

If you sign up now, what might change in your life?

I'm not making any of this up – I asked my subscribers for their feedback. This is what they think might change for you:

  • You’ll be inspired, motivated & uplifted
  • You’ll be reassured that you're on the right path
  • You'll make sustainable, positive changes, helping you recover your health
  • You’ll be reminded of how far you've already come
  • You’ll be thinking about what is truly important to you and what else is in your power to change

You now have two options:

You could not subscribe. Perhaps you already have a system that works for you. Or you’d rather spend a decade finding your feet, like I had to (because a service like this was not available until I created it).

Option 1

You could subscribe and be supported and nudged in the right direction every week. Not only does it not cost you anything now (or ever!), it also adds powerful, actionable value into your life as and when you are ready for it. You know you want to change and take real, tangible steps to recover your health: for the Rays of Light newsletter to support you, just enter your details below.

Option 2

Let the Rays of Light guide you towards your health goals
You put into words what is on my mind. Or lingering at the back of my head. And yes, to see it as a phrase in writing, right before my eyes does open an eye or two for me. Keep up the good work! ❤
I love the positive messages from these posts. A little something to brighten up my newsfeed every day
Often times we forget the most important love is self love. The site provides great affirmations that even in our toughest moments, we are enough.
The upbeatnetwork helps with uplifting information and inspirational subjects under the most postive light. Highlights honest and truthful subjects that will may struggle with on a day to day basis. Gives you food for thought of things we may not take time out to acknowledge.
Angel Fire Collection

Frequently Asked Questions

Nada, zero, nothing. A bit of your time when you are ready to work on improving your health and your habits. You choose when that is.

Anything pertaining to health and in line with my three pillars of health approach: nutrition, habits and self-discovery. This includes the topics of health recovery and how the body works, managing blood glucose, blood pressure, chronic inflammation, but also including motivation, goal setting, stress management, psychology, nutrition, habits, sports science and workouts, mindfulness and others.

When I recommend techniques, they are either supported by research, by the benefits I've seen in my professional experience, or both. However, it is your responsibility to check whether each technique is suitable for you. Please consult our disclaimer for more information (opens in a new window).

No catches and no surprises here: if the Rays of Light are not for you, you can unsubscribe anytime by following the link in the footer of any email from The Upbeat Network. You will never receive any spam from me. For more info, view The Upbeat Network Privacy Policy.
Rays of Light on a mobile phone | The Upbeat Network
Anna Lycett - Coach, Healing Mentor | The Upbeat Network

About Anna Lycett, health coach & the author of Rays of Light

My name is Anna Lycett and I am a certified gym instructor and nutrition enthusiast with experience working as a professional health and wellbeing coach on the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. My passion? A holistic approach to health that goes beyond the surface, empowering you to unlock your full potential. I focus especially on nutrition, habits and the transformative power of self-discovery through journaling. These three elements are simple but powerful and I chose them because, well, they work.

My inspiration? A personal health journey started with very little medical guidance and a lot of trial and error. Faced with health issues that left me feeling hopeless, I slowly learnt and discovered the transformative impact of a holistic approach. Now, I'm here to share that knowledge, together with my experience as a professional health coach, and guide you towards a healthier, more vibrant life. Ready to embark on this journey with me? Let's make every step count and reclaim your health together.